05 Jul
Are you on the list?

5 Favourite customers people who work in Kennels like, who are they and what is their secret? (No. 3 is our favourite!)
Our team had a chat about why they like certain customers and serve them with pleasure and this is what they said:
Mr. Trevor is very cool and he doesn’t put us under pressure, he also has a sense of humour. Amer & Alia are very understanding and they talk to us like friends and with respect. Mrs. Sandra is very very friendly. Mrs. Emiliia always smiles and she takes very good care of Bella.. so they tick all the boxes
- Customers who take good care of their pets: We are animal lovers and the last thing we can bear is to see a pet that is not being looked after
- Customers who arrive on time: With busy schedules and high pressure to make sure all pets are healthy, clean and happy, we appreciate arriving on time so we are ready to accommodate you and give you the right attention and service
- Those who arrive with a smile: You look beautiful when you smile!
- Customers who say thank you “sincerely”: Appreciation is priceless (and sometimes comes on card or in a piece of chocolate)
- Customers who respect staff and their company policy so they do not embarrass staff or put them under pressure by requesting them to do something against their company policy.
Those who tick all boxes are simply “kind people” and they are welcomed everywhere, served with pleasure and always remembered..
A sincere thank you to our long list of kind customers.. We are very lucky to have you on board!
Pet Station Kennels Team